Living allowance for refugees from Ukraine


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Did you flee from Ukraine and are you registered with the municipality of Velsen? If you do not have enough money to live on, you can apply for a living allowance. Depending on where you are staying, you can receive a living allowance for food and beverages, housing allowance and/or for personal expenses such as clothing.

What items are covered by a living allowance?
The living allowance covers the following items and depends on your situation:

  • meals
  • personal expenses (clothing)
  • if you are staying at a private shelter address, for example with a host family? If so, you will be receiving a housing allowance so you can contribute to the housekeeping expenses.


Below are the amounts to which you are entitled. The amounts listed are per person per month. These amounts have been changed as of 1 January 2025.

A family of 1 person will receive

  • Money for food for an adult or single minor € 252,18.
  • Personal expenses: € 62,66.

A family of  2 persons will receive

  • Money for food for an adult or single minor € 252,18.
  • Money for food for a minor € 210,05.
  • Personal expenses: € 62,66.

Minor refers to a person under the age of 18.

A family of 3 persons will receive

  • Money for food for an adult € 214,29.
  • Money for food for a minor € 178,53.
  • Personal expenses: € 62,66.

Minor refers to a person under the age of 18.

A family of 4 or more persons will receive

  • Money for food for an adult € 189,13.
  • Money for food for a minor € 157,61.
  • Personal expenses: € 62,66.

Minor refers to a person under the age of 18.

What is a family according to the new rules?

A family consists of

  • spouses or partners considered equivalent to married couples
  • their minor children
  • a parent or guardian responsible for minor and unmarried children in accordance with the law or practice in the Netherlands
  • grandparents, uncles, aunts or adult children do not belong to the family. They are an individual or a separate family according to the rules.

Are you being received privately, for example by a host family?

Housing allowance for adults € 77,16.
Housing allowance for a minor € 77,16..


Application form Living Allowance

Download the application living allowanceexterne-link-icoon  form and forward the form with the requested copies: 

  • Deliver it personally to the Municipality of Velsen, Dudokplein 1, 1971 EN IJmuiden.
  • Send it by email to:

From when do you receive living allowance?

Once the application form has been received by us, the living allowance will be paid from the 1st of the month.



In order to be eligible for a living allowance the following must be met:

  • You have come to the municipality of Haarlem as a refugee from Ukraine.
  • You are staying in a municipal shelter facility (hotel) or in a private shelter facility (such as a host family).
  • You are registered in the Basic Registration of Persons (BRP). 
  • You have an identity document.
  • You have a Dutch bank account. Find out more information under the heading 'Dutch bank account'.
  • You don’t have an income from work (yet).
  • You are submitting your application in English or Dutch (Latin alphabet).

The living allowance will be paid into a regular Dutch bank account. If you have a Dutch bank account, the living allowance will be paid into it.

If you do not succeed in opening a Dutch bank account, please contact us via

Dutch bank account

Refugees from Ukraine who do not have an operational bank account can open one. More information: or vrk.nlexterne-link-icoon

Basic Registration of Persons (BRP)

It is important that you are registered with the Basic Registration of Persons (Basis Registratie Personen, BRP) of the municipality. You will then receive a Citizen Service Number (Burgerservicenummer, BSN). This is needed to open an account and receive the living allowance.

Changes in the place you are living

Are there changes in your residence address? Are you moving to another municipality for example? If so, you should report this to us. You can report changes about your place of residence by email to:

Income from work

As of 1 February 2023, the rules for work and living allowances have been changed. If someone 18 or older starts working, the living allowance of the entire family will be stopped. This will also happen if someone 18 or older is receiving a benefit from the Dutch government, such as unemployment benefit or invalidity benefit.


Need help with completing the application for living allowance

If people want help filling out the form, this can be requested via